Source code for rtlsdr.rtlsdr

#    This file is part of pyrlsdr.
#    Copyright (C) 2013 by Roger <>
#    pyrlsdr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    pyrlsdr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with pyrlsdr.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division, print_function
from ctypes import *
from .librtlsdr import (
try:                from itertools import izip
except ImportError: izip = zip
import sys

PY3 = sys.version_info.major >= 3
if PY3:
    basestring = str

# see if NumPy is available
has_numpy = True
    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    has_numpy = False

[docs]class BaseRtlSdr(object): """Core interface for most API functionality Arguments: device_index (:obj:`int`, optional): The device index to use if there are multiple dongles attached. If only one is being used, the default value (0) will be used. test_mode_enabled (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, enables a special test mode, which will return the value of an internal RTL2832 8-bit counter with calls to :meth:`read_bytes`. serial_number (:obj:`str`, optional): If not None, the device will be searched for by the given serial_number by :meth:`get_device_index_by_serial` and the ``device_index`` returned will be used automatically. Attributes: DEFAULT_GAIN: Default :attr:`gain` value used on initialization: ``'auto'`` DEFAULT_FC (float): Default :attr:`center_freq` value used on initialization: ``80e6`` (80 Mhz) DEFAULT_RS (float): Default :attr:`sample_rate` value used on initialization: ``1.024e6`` (1024 Msps) DEFAULT_READ_SIZE (int): Default number of samples or bytes to read if no arguments are supplied for :meth:`read_bytes` or :meth:`read_samples`. Default value is ``1024`` gain_values (list(int)): The valid gain parameters supported by the device (in tenths of dB). These are stored as returned by ``librtlsdr``. valid_gains_db (list(float)): The valid gains in dB """ # some default values for various parameters DEFAULT_GAIN = 'auto' DEFAULT_FC = 80e6 DEFAULT_RS = 1.024e6 DEFAULT_READ_SIZE = 1024 CRYSTAL_FREQ = 28800000 gain_values = [] valid_gains_db = [] buffer = [] num_bytes_read = c_int32(0) device_opened = False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_device_index_by_serial(serial): """Retrieves the device index for a device matching the given serial number Arguments: serial (str): The serial number to search for Returns: int: The device_index as reported by ``librtlsdr`` Notes: Most devices by default have the same serial number: `'0000001'`. This can be set to a custom value by using the `rtl\_eeprom`_ utility packaged with ``librtlsdr``. .. _rtl\_eeprom: """ if PY3 and isinstance(serial, str): serial = bytes(serial, 'UTF-8') result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_index_by_serial(serial) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def get_device_serial_addresses(): """Get serial numbers for all attached devices Returns: list(str): A ``list`` of all detected serial numbers (``str``) """ def get_serial(device_index): bfr = (c_ubyte * 256)() r = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_device_usb_strings(device_index, None, None, bfr) if r != 0: raise LibUSBError( r, 'while reading USB strings (device %d)' % (device_index) ) return ''.join((chr(b) for b in bfr if b > 0)) num_devices = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_device_count() return [get_serial(i) for i in range(num_devices)]
def __init__(self, device_index=0, test_mode_enabled=False, serial_number=None):, test_mode_enabled, serial_number)
[docs] def open(self, device_index=0, test_mode_enabled=False, serial_number=None): """Connect to the device through the underlying wrapper library Initializes communication with the device and retrieves information from it with a call to :meth:`init_device_values`. Arguments: device_index (:obj:`int`, optional): The device index to use if there are multiple dongles attached. If only one is being used, the default value (0) will be used. test_mode_enabled (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, enables a special test mode, which will return the value of an internal RTL2832 8-bit counter with calls to :meth:`read_bytes`. serial_number (:obj:`str`, optional): If not None, the device will be searched for by the given serial_number by :meth:`get_device_index_by_serial` and the ``device_index`` returned will be used automatically. Notes: The arguments used here are passed directly from object initialization. Raises: IOError: If communication with the device could not be established. """ if serial_number is not None: device_index = self.get_device_index_by_serial(serial_number) # this is the pointer to the device structure used by all librtlsdr # functions self.dev_p = p_rtlsdr_dev(None) # initialize device result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_open(self.dev_p, device_index) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not open SDR (device index = %d)' % (device_index)) # enable test mode if necessary result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_testmode(self.dev_p, int(test_mode_enabled)) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set test mode') # reset buffers result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_reset_buffer(self.dev_p) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not reset buffer') self.device_opened = True self.init_device_values()
[docs] def init_device_values(self): """Retrieves information from the device This method acquires the values for :attr:`gain_values`. Also sets the device to the default :attr:`center frequency <DEFAULT_FC>`, the :attr:`sample rate <DEFAULT_RS>` and :attr:`gain <DEFAULT_GAIN>` """ self.gain_values = self.get_gains() self.valid_gains_db = [val/10 for val in self.gain_values] # set default state self.set_sample_rate(self.DEFAULT_RS) self.set_center_freq(self.DEFAULT_FC) self.set_gain(self.DEFAULT_GAIN)
def close(self): if not self.device_opened: return librtlsdr.rtlsdr_close(self.dev_p) self.device_opened = False def __del__(self): self.close() def set_center_freq(self, freq): freq = int(freq) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_center_freq(self.dev_p, freq) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set center_freq to %d Hz' % (freq)) return def get_center_freq(self): result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_center_freq(self.dev_p) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not get center_freq') # FIXME: the E4000 rounds to kHz, this may not be true for other tuners reported_center_freq = result center_freq = round(reported_center_freq, -3) return center_freq def set_freq_correction(self, err_ppm): freq = int(err_ppm) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_freq_correction(self.dev_p, err_ppm) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set freq. offset to %d ppm' % (err_ppm)) return def get_freq_correction(self): result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_freq_correction(self.dev_p) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not get freq. offset') return result def set_sample_rate(self, rate): rate = int(rate) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_sample_rate(self.dev_p, rate) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set sample rate to %d Hz' % (rate)) return def get_sample_rate(self): result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_sample_rate(self.dev_p) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not get sample rate') # figure out actual sample rate, taken directly from librtlsdr reported_sample_rate = result rsamp_ratio = (self.CRYSTAL_FREQ * pow(2, 22)) // reported_sample_rate rsamp_ratio &= ~3 real_rate = (self.CRYSTAL_FREQ * pow(2, 22)) / rsamp_ratio; return real_rate def set_bandwidth(self, bw): requested_bw = int(bw) bw = int(bw) if tuner_bandwidth_supported: apply_bw = c_int(1) applied_bw = c_uint32(bw) bw = c_uint32(bw) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_and_get_tuner_bandwidth( self.dev_p, bw, byref(applied_bw), apply_bw) self._bandwidth = applied_bw.value elif tuner_set_bandwidth_supported: bw = int(bw) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_tuner_bandwidth(self.dev_p, bw) self._bandwidth = bw else: raise IOError('set_tuner_bandwidth not supported in this version of librtlsdr') if result != 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set tuner bandwidth to %d Hz' % (requested_bw)) return def get_bandwidth(self): return getattr(self, '_bandwidth', 0) def set_gain(self, gain): if isinstance(gain, basestring) and gain == 'auto': # disable manual gain -> enable AGC self.set_manual_gain_enabled(False) return # find supported gain nearest to one requested errors = [abs(10*gain - g) for g in self.gain_values] nearest_gain_ind = errors.index(min(errors)) # disable AGC self.set_manual_gain_enabled(True) result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_tuner_gain(self.dev_p, self.gain_values[nearest_gain_ind]) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set gain to %d' % (gain)) return def get_gain(self): result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_tuner_gain(self.dev_p) if 0 and result == 0: self.close() raise IOError('Error when getting gain') return result/10
[docs] def get_gains(self): """Get all supported gain values from driver Returns: list(int): Gains in tenths of a dB """ buffer = (c_int *50)() result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_tuner_gains(self.dev_p, buffer) if result == 0: self.close() raise IOError('Error when getting gains') gains = [] for i in range(result): gains.append(buffer[i]) return gains
[docs] def set_manual_gain_enabled(self, enabled): """Enable or disable manual gain control of tuner. Arguments: enabled (bool): Notes: If ``enabled`` is False, then AGC should also be used by calling :meth:`set_agc_mode`. It is recommended to use :meth:`set_gain` instead of calling this method directly. """ result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_tuner_gain_mode(self.dev_p, int(enabled)) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not get gain mode') return
[docs] def set_agc_mode(self, enabled): """Enable RTL2832 AGC Arguments: enabled (bool): """ result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_agc_mode(self.dev_p, int(enabled)) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set AGC mode') return result
[docs] def set_direct_sampling(self, direct): """Enable direct sampling. Arguments: direct: If False or 0, disable direct sampling. If 'i' or 1, use ADC I input. If 'q' or 2, use ADC Q input. """ # convert parameter if isinstance(direct, basestring): if direct.lower() == 'i': direct = 1 elif direct.lower() == 'q': direct = 2 else: raise SyntaxError('invalid value "%s"' % direct) # make sure False works as an option if not direct: direct = 0 result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_set_direct_sampling(self.dev_p, direct) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not set direct sampling') return result
[docs] def get_tuner_type(self): """Get the tuner type. Returns: int: The tuner type as reported by the driver. See the `tuner enum definition`_ for more information. .. _tuner enum definition: """ result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_get_tuner_type(self.dev_p) if result < 0: raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not get tuner type') return result
[docs] def read_bytes(self, num_bytes=DEFAULT_READ_SIZE): """Read specified number of bytes from tuner. Does not attempt to unpack complex samples (see :meth:`read_samples`), and data may be unsafe as buffer is reused. Arguments: num_bytes (:obj:`int`, optional): The number of bytes to read. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_READ_SIZE`. Returns: ctypes.Array[c_ubyte]: A buffer of len(num_bytes) containing the raw samples read. """ # FIXME: libsdrrtl may not be able to read an arbitrary number of bytes num_bytes = int(num_bytes) # create buffer, as necessary if len(self.buffer) != num_bytes: array_type = (c_ubyte*num_bytes) self.buffer = array_type() result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_read_sync(self.dev_p, self.buffer, num_bytes,\ byref(self.num_bytes_read)) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not read %d bytes' % (num_bytes)) if self.num_bytes_read.value != num_bytes: self.close() raise IOError('Short read, requested %d bytes, received %d'\ % (num_bytes, self.num_bytes_read.value)) return self.buffer
[docs] def read_samples(self, num_samples=DEFAULT_READ_SIZE): """Read specified number of complex samples from tuner. Real and imaginary parts are normalized to be in the range [-1, 1]. Data is safe after this call (will not get overwritten by another one). Arguments: num_samples (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of samples to read. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_READ_SIZE`. Returns: The samples read as either a :class:`list` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` (if available). """ num_bytes = 2*num_samples raw_data = self.read_bytes(num_bytes) iq = self.packed_bytes_to_iq(raw_data) return iq
[docs] def packed_bytes_to_iq(self, bytes): """Unpack a sequence of bytes to a sequence of normalized complex numbers This is called automatically by :meth:`read_samples`. Returns: The unpacked iq values as either a :class:`list` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` (if available). """ if has_numpy: # use NumPy array data = np.ctypeslib.as_array(bytes) iq = data.astype(np.float64).view(np.complex128) iq /= 127.5 iq -= (1 + 1j) else: # use normal list iq = [complex(i/(255/2) - 1, q/(255/2) - 1) for i, q in izip(bytes[::2], bytes[1::2])] return iq
center_freq = fc = property(get_center_freq, set_center_freq, doc="""int: Get/Set the center frequency of the device (in Hz)""") sample_rate = rs = property(get_sample_rate, set_sample_rate, doc="""int: Get/Set the sample rate of the tuner (in Hz)""") gain = property(get_gain, set_gain, doc="""float or str: Get/Set gain of the tuner (in dB) Notes: If set to 'auto', AGC mode is enabled; otherwise gain is in dB. The actual gain used is rounded to the nearest value supported by the device (see the values in :attr:`valid_gains_db`). """) freq_correction = property(get_freq_correction, set_freq_correction, doc="""int: Get/Set frequency offset of the tuner (in PPM)""") bandwidth = property(get_bandwidth, set_bandwidth, doc="""int: Get/Set bandwidth value (in Hz) Set value to 0 (default) for automatic bandwidth selection. Notes: This value is stored locally and may not reflect the real tuner bandwidth """)
# This adds async read support to base class BaseRtlSdr (don't use that one)
[docs]class RtlSdr(BaseRtlSdr): """This adds async read support to :class:`BaseRtlSdr` """ DEFAULT_ASYNC_BUF_NUMBER = 0 # librtlsdr will use the default (15) DEFAULT_READ_SIZE = 1024 read_async_canceling = False
[docs] def read_bytes_async(self, callback, num_bytes=DEFAULT_READ_SIZE, context=None): """Continuously read bytes from tuner Arguments: callback: A function or method that will be called with the result. See :meth:`_bytes_converter_callback` for the signature. num_bytes (int): Number of bytes to read for each callback. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_READ_SIZE`. context (Optional): Object to be passed as an argument to the callback. If not supplied or None, the :class:`RtlSdr` instance will be used. Notes: As with :meth:`~BaseRtlSdr.read_bytes`, the data passed to the callback may by overwritten. """ num_bytes = int(num_bytes) # we don't call the provided callback directly, but add a layer inbetween # to convert the raw buffer to a safer type # save requested callback self._callback_bytes = callback # convert Python callback function to a librtlsdr callback rtlsdr_callback = rtlsdr_read_async_cb_t(self._bytes_converter_callback) # use this object as context if none provided if not context: context = self self.read_async_canceling = False result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_read_async(self.dev_p, rtlsdr_callback,\ context, self.DEFAULT_ASYNC_BUF_NUMBER, num_bytes) if result < 0: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not read %d bytes' % (num_bytes)) self.read_async_canceling = False return
[docs] def _bytes_converter_callback(self, raw_buffer, num_bytes, context): """Converts the raw buffer used in ``rtlsdr_read_async`` to a usable type This method is used internally by :meth:`read_bytes_async` to convert the raw data from ``rtlsdr_read_async`` into a memory-safe array. The callback given in :meth:`read_bytes_async` will then be called with the signature:: callback(values, context) Arguments: raw_buffer: Buffer of type ``unsigned char`` num_bytes (int): Length of ``raw_buffer`` context: User-defined value passed to ``rtlsdr_read_async``. In most cases, will be a reference to the :class:`RtlSdr` instance Notes: This method is not meant to be called directly or overridden by subclasses. """ array_type = (c_ubyte*num_bytes) values = cast(raw_buffer, POINTER(array_type)).contents # skip callback if cancel_read_async() called if self.read_async_canceling: return self._callback_bytes(values, context)
[docs] def read_samples_async(self, callback, num_samples=DEFAULT_READ_SIZE, context=None): """Continuously read 'samples' from the tuner This is a combination of :meth:`read_samples` and :meth:`read_bytes_async` Arguments: callback: A function or method that will be called with the result. See :meth:`_samples_converter_callback` for the signature. num_samples (int): The number of samples read into each callback. Defaults to :attr:`DEFAULT_READ_SIZE`. context (Optional): Object to be passed as an argument to the callback. If not supplied or None, the :class:`RtlSdr` instance will be used. """ num_bytes = 2*num_samples self._callback_samples = callback self.read_bytes_async(self._samples_converter_callback, num_bytes, context) return
[docs] def _samples_converter_callback(self, buffer, context): """Converts the raw buffer used in ``rtlsdr_read_async`` to a usable type This method is used internally by :meth:`read_samples_async` to convert the data into a sequence of complex numbers. The callback given in :meth:`read_samples_async` will then be called with the signature:: callback(samples, context) Arguments: buffer: Buffer of type ``unsigned char`` context: User-defined value passed to ``rtlsdr_read_async``. In most cases, will be a reference to the :class:`RtlSdr` instance Notes: This method is not meant to be called directly or overridden by subclasses. """ iq = self.packed_bytes_to_iq(buffer) self._callback_samples(iq, context)
[docs] def cancel_read_async(self): """Cancel async read. This should be called eventually when using async reads (:meth:`read_bytes_async` or :meth:`read_samples_async`), or callbacks will never stop. See Also: :func:`~rtlsdr.helpers.limit_time` and :func:`~rtlsdr.helpers.limit_calls` """ result = librtlsdr.rtlsdr_cancel_async(self.dev_p) # sometimes we get additional callbacks after canceling an async read, # in this case we don't raise exceptions if result < 0 and not self.read_async_canceling: self.close() raise LibUSBError(result, 'Could not cancel async read') self.read_async_canceling = True
[docs]class LibUSBError(IOError): _errno_map = { -1: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_IO', 'Input/output error'), -2: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM', 'Invalid parameter'), -3: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS', 'Access denied (insufficient permissions)'), -4: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE', 'No such device (it may have been disconnected)'), -5: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND', 'Entity not found'), -6: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_BUSY', 'Resource busy'), -7: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT', 'Operation timed out'), -8: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_OVERFLOW', 'Overflow'), -9: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE', 'Pipe error'), -10: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_INTERRUPTED', 'System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal)'), -11: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM', 'Insufficient memory'), -12: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform'), -99: ('LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER', 'Other error'), } def __init__(self, errno, msg=''): self.errno = errno self.msg = msg def __str__(self): t = self._errno_map.get(self.errno) if t is not None: err_id, err_msg = t msg = '<{err_id} ({self.errno}): {err_msg}> "{self.msg}"'.format( self=self, err_id=err_id, err_msg=err_msg, ) else: msg = 'Error code {self.errno}: {self.msg}'.format(self=self) return msg