Properties ========== :any:`Property` objects can be defined on subclasses of :any:`Dispatcher` to create instance attributes that emit events when their values change. Binding and unbinding works exactly the same as with events. The callback signature is slightly different however. The first two arguments will be: 1. The instance object that generated the event 2. The Property value Usage ----- :: from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property class MyEmitter(Dispatcher): name = Property() value = Property() class MyListener(object): def on_name(self, instance, value, **kwargs): print('emitter name is {}'.format(value)) def on_value(self, instance, value, **kwargs): print('emitter value is {}'.format(value)) emitter = MyEmitter() listener = MyListener() emitter.bind(name=listener.on_name, value=listener.on_value) = 'foo' # >>> emitter name is foo emitter.value = 42 # >>> emitter value is 42 If the attribute is set to the same value, an event is not dispatched:: emitter.value = 42 # No event emitter.value = 43 # >>> emitter value is 43 Container Properties -------------------- :class:`dict` and :class:`list` objects are implemented as subclasses of :any:`Property`: * :any:`DictProperty` * :any:`ListProperty` They will emit events when their contents change. Nesting is also supported, so even the contents of a :class:`list` or :class:`dict` anywhere inside of the structure can trigger an event. :: from pydispatch import Dispatcher from import ListProperty, DictProperty class MyEmitter(Dispatcher): values = ListProperty() data = DictProperty() emitter = MyEmitter() emitter.values.append('foo') print(emitter.values) # >>> ['foo'] emitter.values.extend(['bar', 'baz']) print(emitter.values) # >>> ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] = {'foo':'bar'} # or['foo'] = 'bar' print( # >>> {'foo':'bar'}['fruit'] = {'apple':'red'}['fruit']['banana'] = 'yellow' # event would be dispatched to listeners