Source code for vidhubcontrol.backends.base

import asyncio

from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property
from import ListProperty, DictProperty

[docs]class BackendBase(Dispatcher): """Base class for communicating with devices Attributes: device_id (str): The unique id as reported by the switcher. device_version (str): The firmware version as reported by the switcher. device_model (str): The model name as reported by the switcher. connected (bool): A flag indicating the connection status. :class:`` Events: on_preset_added: This :class:`~pydispatch.dispatch.Event` is emitted when a new :class:`Preset` has been added. on_preset_stored: This :class:`~pydispatch.dispatch.Event` is emitted when an existing :class:`Preset` has been recorded (updated). on_preset_active: This :class:`~pydispatch.dispatch.Event` is emitted when an existing :class:`Preset` has determined that its stored routing information is currently active on the switcher. """ device_name = Property() device_model = Property() device_id = Property() device_version = Property() connected = Property(False) connection_error = Property(False) exception_type = Property(None) exception_info = Property(None) connection_unavailable = Property(False) running = Property(False) prelude_parsed = Property(False) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.device_name = kwargs.get('device_name') self.client = None self.event_loop = kwargs.get('event_loop', asyncio.get_event_loop()) self.bind(device_id=self.on_device_id) if self.device_id is None: self.device_id = kwargs.get('device_id') @classmethod async def create_async(cls, **kwargs): obj = cls(**kwargs) await obj.connect_fut return obj async def connect(self): if self.connected: return self.client self.connected = True r = await self.do_connect() if r is False: self.connection_error = True self.connected = False else: if self.client is not None: self.client = r return r async def disconnect(self): if not self.connected: return await self.do_disconnect() self.client = None self.connected = False def _catch_exception(self, e): self.exception_type = e.__class__ try: self.exception_info = e.args except: self.exception_info = str(e) self.connection_error = True async def do_connect(self): raise NotImplementedError() async def do_disconnect(self): raise NotImplementedError() async def get_status(self): raise NotImplementedError() def on_device_id(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if value is None: return if self.device_name is None: self.device_name = value self.unbind(self.on_device_id)
[docs]class VidhubBackendBase(BackendBase): """Base class for Videohub devices Attributes: num_outputs (int): The number of outputs as reported by the switcher. num_inputs (int): The number of inputs as reported by the switcher. crosspoints (list): This represents the currently active routing of the switcher. Each element in the ``list`` represents an output (the zero-based index of the ``list``) with its selected index as the value (also zero-based). This is a :class:`` and can be observed using the :meth:`~pydispatch.Dispatcher.bind` method. output_labels (list): A ``list`` containing the names of each output as reported by the switcher This is a :class:`` and can be observed using the :meth:`~pydispatch.Dispatcher.bind` method. input_labels (list): A ``list`` containing the names of each input as reported by the switcher This is a :class:`` and can be observed using the :meth:`~pydispatch.Dispatcher.bind` method. crosspoint_control (list): This is similar to :attr:`~VidhubBackendBase.crosspoints` but if modified from outside code, the crosspoint changes will be set on the device (no method calls required). :class:`` output_label_control (list): This is similar to :attr:~VidhubBackendBase.output_labels` but if modified from outside code, the label changes will be written to the device (no method calls required). :class:`` input_label_control (list): This is similar to :attr:~VidhubBackendBase.input_labels` but if modified from outside code, the label changes will be written to the device (no method calls required). :class:`` presets (list): The currently available (stored) ``list`` of :class:`Preset` instances :class:`` """ crosspoints = ListProperty() output_labels = ListProperty() input_labels = ListProperty() crosspoint_control = ListProperty() output_label_control = ListProperty() input_label_control = ListProperty() presets = ListProperty() num_outputs = Property(0) num_inputs = Property(0) device_type = 'vidhub' feedback_prop_map = { 'crosspoints':'crosspoint_control', 'input_labels':'input_label_control', 'output_labels':'output_label_control', } _events_ = ['on_preset_added', 'on_preset_stored', 'on_preset_active'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.bind( num_outputs=self.on_num_outputs, num_inputs=self.on_num_inputs, output_labels=self.on_prop_feedback, input_labels=self.on_prop_feedback, crosspoints=self.on_prop_feedback, output_label_control=self.on_prop_control, input_label_control=self.on_prop_control, crosspoint_control=self.on_prop_control, ) presets = kwargs.get('presets', []) for pst_data in presets: pst_data['backend'] = self preset = Preset(**pst_data) self.presets.append(preset) preset.bind( on_preset_stored=self.on_preset_stored, active=self.on_preset_active, ) self.connect_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.connect(), loop=self.event_loop)
[docs] async def set_crosspoint(self, out_idx, in_idx): """Set a single crosspoint on the switcher Arguments: out_idx (int): The output to be set (zero-based) in_idx (int): The input to switch the output (out_idx) to (zero-based) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def set_crosspoints(self, *args): """Set multiple crosspoints in one method call This is useful for setting many routing changes as it reduces the number of commands sent to the switcher. Arguments: *args: Any number of output/input pairs to set. These should be given as ``tuples`` of ``(out_idx, in_idx)`` as defined in :meth:`~BackendBase.set_crosspoint`. They can be discontinuous and unordered. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def set_output_label(self, out_idx, label): """Set the label (name) of an output Arguments: out_idx (int): The output to be set (zero-based) label (str): The label for the output """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def set_output_labels(self, *args): """Set multiple output labels in one method call This is useful for setting many labels as it reduces the number of commands sent to the switcher. Arguments: *args: Any number of output/label pairs to set. These should be given as ``tuples`` of ``(out_idx, label)`` as defined in :meth:`~BackendBase.set_output_label`. They can be discontinuous and unordered. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def set_input_label(self, in_idx, label): """Set the label (name) of an input Arguments: in_idx (int): The input to be set (zero-based) label (str): The label for the input """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def set_input_labels(self, *args): """Set multiple input labels in one method call This is useful for setting many labels as it reduces the number of commands sent to the switcher. Arguments: *args: Any number of input/label pairs to set. These should be given as ``tuples`` of ``(in_idx, label)`` as defined in :meth:`~BackendBase.set_input_label`. They can be discontinuous and unordered. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def add_preset(self, name=None): """Adds a new :class:`Preset` instance This method is used internally and should not normally be called outside of this module. Instead, see :meth:`~BackendBase.store_preset` """ index = len(self.presets) preset = Preset(backend=self, name=name, index=index) self.presets.append(preset) preset.bind( on_preset_stored=self.on_preset_stored, active=self.on_preset_active, ) self.emit('on_preset_added', backend=self, preset=preset) return preset
[docs] async def store_preset(self, outputs_to_store=None, name=None, index=None, clear_current=True): """Store the current switcher state to a :class:`Preset` Arguments: outputs_to_store (optional): An iterable of the output numbers (zero-based) that should be saved in the preset. If given, only these outputs will be recorded and when recalled, any output not in this argument will be unchanged. If not given or ``None``, all outputs will be recorded. name (optional): The name to be given to the preset. If not provided or ``None`` the preset will be given a name based off of its index. index (optional): The index for the preset. If given and the preset exists in the :attr:`~BackendBase.presets` list, that preset will be updated. If there is no preset found with the index, a new one will be created. If not given or ``None``, the next available index will be used and a new preset will be created. clear_current (bool): If ``True``, any previously existing data will be removed from the preset (if it exists). If ``False``, the data (if existing) will be merged with the current switcher state. Default is ``True`` Returns: The :class:`Preset` instance that was created or updated This method is a ``coroutine`` """ if index is None: preset = await self.add_preset() else: while True: try: preset = self.presets[index] except IndexError: preset = None if preset is not None: break preset = await self.add_preset() if name is not None: = name await, clear_current) return preset
def on_preset_stored(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['backend'] = self self.emit('on_preset_stored', *args, **kwargs) def on_preset_active(self, instance, value, **kwargs): self.emit('on_preset_active', backend=self, preset=instance, value=value) def on_num_outputs(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if value == len(self.output_labels): return if value != len(self.crosspoints): self.crosspoints = [0] * value self.output_labels = [''] * value def on_num_inputs(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if value == len(self.input_labels): return if value != len(self.crosspoints): self.crosspoints = [0] * value self.input_labels = [''] * value def on_prop_feedback(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs.get('property') if not in self.feedback_prop_map: return elock = self.emission_lock( control_prop = self.feedback_prop_map[] setattr(self, control_prop, value[:]) def on_prop_control(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if not self.connected: return if not self.prelude_parsed: return prop = kwargs.get('property') keys = kwargs.get('keys') if keys is None: keys = range(len(value)) feedback_prop = '{}s'.format('_control')[0]) elock = self.emission_lock(feedback_prop) if elock.held: return ## TODO: This is an internal implementation in python-dispatch and ## is subject to future changes. aio_lock = elock.aio_locks.get(id(self.event_loop)) if aio_lock is not None and aio_lock.locked(): return if value == getattr(self, feedback_prop): return coro_name = '_'.join(['set', feedback_prop]) coro = getattr(self, coro_name) args = [(key, value[key]) for key in keys] tx_fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro(*args), loop=self.event_loop)
[docs]class SmartViewBackendBase(BackendBase): """Base class for SmartView devices Attributes: num_monitors (int): Number of physical monitors as reported by the device inverted (bool): ``True`` if the device has been mounted in an inverted configuration (to optimize viewing angle). monitors (list): A ``list`` containing instances of :class:`SmartViewMonitor` or :class:`SmartScopeMonitor`, depending on device type. Events: on_monitor_property_change: Dispatched when any :class:`` value changes. The event signature for callbacks is ``(smartview_device, property_name, value, **kwargs)`` containing a keyword argument "monitor" containing the :class:`SmartViewMonitor` instance. """ num_monitors = Property() inverted = Property(False) monitors = ListProperty() monitor_cls = None device_type = 'smartview' _events_ = ['on_monitor_property_change'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.bind(monitors=self._on_monitors) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.connect_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self.connect(), loop=self.event_loop)
[docs] async def set_monitor_property(self, monitor, name, value): """Set a property value for the given :class:`SmartViewMonitor` instance Arguments: monitor: The :class:`SmartViewMonitor` instance to set name (str): Property name value: The new value to set This method is a coroutine. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def get_monitor_cls(self): cls = self.monitor_cls if cls is None: cls = SmartViewMonitor return cls async def add_monitor(self, **kwargs): cls = self.get_monitor_cls() kwargs.setdefault('parent', self) kwargs.setdefault('index', len(self.monitors)) monitor = cls(**kwargs) monitor.bind(on_property_change=self.on_monitor_prop) self.monitors.append(monitor) return monitor def on_monitor_prop(self, instance, name, value, **kwargs): kwargs['monitor'] = instance self.emit('on_monitor_property_change', self, name, value, **kwargs) def _on_monitors(self, *args, **kwargs): self.num_monitors = len(self.monitors)
[docs]class SmartScopeBackendBase(SmartViewBackendBase): device_type = 'smartscope' def get_monitor_cls(self): cls = self.monitor_cls if cls is None: cls = SmartScopeMonitor return cls
MONITOR_PROPERTY_MAP = {k:k.title() for k in [ 'brightness', 'contrast', 'saturation', 'identify', 'border']} MONITOR_PROPERTY_MAP.update({ 'widescreen_sd':'WidescreenSD', 'audio_channel':'AudioChannel', 'scope_mode':'ScopeMode', })
[docs]class SmartViewMonitor(Dispatcher): """A single instance of a monitor within a SmartView device Attributes: index (int): Index of the monitor (zero-based) name (str): The name of the monitor (can be user-defined) brightness (int): The brightness value of the monitor (0-255) contrast (int): The contrast value of the monitor (0-255) saturation (int): The saturation value of the monitor (0-255) widescreen_sd: Aspect ratio setting for SD format. Choices can be: ``True`` (stretching enabled), ``False`` (pillar-box), or ``None`` (auto-detect). identify (bool): If set to ``True``, the monitor's border will be white for a brief duration to physically locate the device. border (str): Sets the border of the monitor to the given color. Choices are: 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'white', or ``None``. audio_channel (int): The audio channel pair (Embedded in the SDI input) used when :attr:`scope_mode` is set to audio monitoring. Values are from 0 to 7 (0 == Channels 1&2, etc). """ index = Property() name = Property() brightness = Property() contrast = Property() saturation = Property() widescreen_sd = Property() identify = Property(False) border = Property() audio_channel = Property() class PropertyChoices(): widescreen_sd = { True:'ON', False:'OFF', None:'auto', } border = { 'red':'red', 'green':'green', 'blue':'blue', 'white':'white', None:'NONE', } identify = { True:'true', False:'false', } _bind_properties = [ 'brightness', 'contrast', 'saturation', 'widescreen_sd', 'identify', 'border', 'audio_channel', ] _events_ = ['on_property_change'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._property_locks = {} self.parent = kwargs.get('parent') self.event_loop = self.parent.event_loop self.index = kwargs.get('index') = kwargs.get('name') props = self.PropertyChoices._bind_properties for prop in props: value = kwargs.get(prop) value = self.get_property_for_choice(prop, value) setattr(self, prop, value) self.bind(**{prop:self.on_prop_control for prop in props}) def _get_property_lock(self, name): lock = self._property_locks.get(name) if lock is None: lock = asyncio.Lock() self._property_locks[name] = lock return lock async def set_property_from_backend(self, name, value): value = self.get_property_for_choice(name, value) lock = self._get_property_lock(name) async with lock: setattr(self, name, value) self.emit('on_property_change', self, name, value) async def set_property(self, name, value): await self.parent.set_monitor_property(self, name, value) async def flash(self): await self.set_property('identify', True) def get_property_choices(self, name): return getattr(self.PropertyChoices, name, None) def get_choice_for_property(self, name, value): choices = self.get_property_choices(name) if choices is not None: if value in choices: value = choices[value] return value def get_property_for_choice(self, name, value): choices = self.get_property_choices(name) if choices is not None: if value in choices.values(): for k, v in choices.items(): if v == value: value = k break if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() in ('none', 'true', 'false'): if value.lower() == 'none': value = None else: value = value.lower() == 'true' return value def on_prop_control(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs.get('property') lock = self._get_property_lock( if lock.locked(): return value = self.get_choice_for_property(, value) fut = self.set_property(, value) asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(fut, loop=self.event_loop)
[docs]class SmartScopeMonitor(SmartViewMonitor): """A single instance of a monitor within a SmartScope device Attributes: scope_mode (str): The type of scope to display. Choices are: 'audio_dbfs', 'audio_dbvu', 'histogram', 'parade_rgb', 'parade_yuv', 'video', 'vector_100', 'vector_75', 'waveform'. """ scope_mode = Property() class PropertyChoices(SmartViewMonitor.PropertyChoices): scope_mode = { 'audio_dbfs':'AudioDbfs', 'audio_dbvu':'AudioDbvu', 'histogram':'Histogram', 'parade_rgb':'ParadeRGB', 'parade_yuv':'ParadeYUV', 'video':'Picture', 'vector_100':'Vector100', 'vector_75':'Vector75', 'waveform':'WaveformLuma', } _bind_properties = SmartViewMonitor.PropertyChoices._bind_properties + [ 'scope_mode', ]
[docs]class Preset(Dispatcher): """Stores and recalls routing information Attributes: name: The name of the preset. This is a :class:`pydispatch.Property` index (int): The index of the preset as it is stored in the :attr:`~BackendBase.presets` container. crosspoints (dict): The crosspoints that this preset has stored. This is a :class:`` active (bool): A flag indicating whether all of the crosspoints stored in this preset are currently active on the switcher. This is a :class:`pydispatch.Property` Events: on_preset_stored: Dispatched after the preset stores its state. """ name = Property() index = Property() crosspoints = DictProperty() active = Property(False) _events_ = ['on_preset_stored'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.backend = kwargs.get('backend') self.index = kwargs.get('index') name = kwargs.get('name') if name is None: name = 'Preset {}'.format(self.index + 1) = name self.crosspoints = kwargs.get('crosspoints', {}) if self.backend.connected and self.backend.prelude_parsed: self.check_active() else: self.backend.bind(prelude_parsed=self.on_backend_ready) self.backend.bind(crosspoints=self.on_backend_crosspoints) self.bind(crosspoints=self.on_preset_crosspoints) async def store(self, outputs_to_store=None, clear_current=True): if outputs_to_store is None: outputs_to_store = range(self.backend.num_outputs) if clear_current: self.crosspoints = {} async with self.emission_lock('crosspoints'): for out_idx in outputs_to_store: self.crosspoints[out_idx] = self.backend.crosspoints[out_idx] = True self.emit('on_preset_stored', preset=self) async def recall(self): if not len(self.crosspoints): return args = [(i, v) for i, v in self.crosspoints.items()] await self.backend.set_crosspoints(*args) def check_active(self): if not len(self.crosspoints): = False return for out_idx, in_idx in self.crosspoints.items(): in_idx = self.crosspoints[out_idx] if self.backend.crosspoints[out_idx] != in_idx: = False return = True def on_backend_ready(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if not value: return self.backend.unbind(self.on_backend_ready) self.check_active() def on_backend_crosspoints(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if not self.backend.prelude_parsed: return self.check_active() def on_preset_crosspoints(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if not len(self.crosspoints) or not self.backend.prelude_parsed: return self.check_active()