Warning: This document is for an old version of python-dispatch. The latest version is v0.1.1.


Dispatcher is the core component of the framework. Subclassing this enables all of the event functionality.


from pydispatch import Dispatcher

class MyEmitter(Dispatcher):
    _events_ = ['on_state', 'new_data']
    def do_some_stuff(self):
        # do stuff that makes new data
        data = self.get_some_data()
        self.emit('new_data', data=data)

# An observer - could inherit from Dispatcher or any other class
class MyListener(object):
    def on_new_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        data = kwargs.get('data')
        print('I got data: {}'.format(data))
    def on_emitter_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print('emitter state changed')

emitter = MyEmitter()
listener = MyListener()


# >>> I got data: ...

# >>> emitter state changed

The bind method above could also be combined:


Events can also be created after object creation:


# Multiple events can also be created:
emitter.register_event('value_changed', 'something_happened')

Stop listening by calling unbind:


# Or to unbind all events, just supply the instance object:

Callback Return Values

Event propagation will stop if any callback returns False. Any other return value is ignored.

Event Names

There are no restrictions on event names. The idea is to keep things as simple and non-restrictive as possible. When calling emit, and positional or keyword arguments supplied will be passed along to listeners.

Subclasses and __init__

The Dispatcher class does not use __init__ for any of its functionality. This is again to keep things simple and get the framework out of your way. It uses __new__ to handle instance creation. If your subclasses use __new__ for something, the call to super() is required, but you should probably check the code to determine how it fits with your own.